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Financial Report

The SNU library uses funds donated by sponsors to improve the learning environment for the students and support academic research, including improving the library facility environment and expanding academic materials, in accordance with the wishes of the donors.

Of the executed donations, 79% has been allocated to improve library facilities and environment, while 21% has been used to expand academic resources and support research activities.

Payments Status
by Purpose

Purpose Cases Rate(%) Revenues(Won) Rate(%)
Books 20 0.14 84,620,800 0.56
Facilities 138 0.97 1,860,000 0.01
Academic 17 0.12 937,850,000 6.22
Delegation 14,037 98.77 14,061,327,189 93.21
Total 14,212 100 15,085,657,989 100

※ Designated Fund : For pledged amounts of 100 million won or more, it is possible to specify the purpose and name of the fund

Execution Status
by Purpose

Purpose Revenues (Won) Rate(%) Expenses (Won) Rate(%) Balances(Won)
Academic Research 2,076,916,555 14 1,061,326,255 21 52,216,304
Facility Improvement 13,008,741,434 86 4,038,674,980 79 2,785,957,344
Total 15,085,657,989 100 5,100,001,235 100 2,838,173,648

Cumulative Status of
Expenditures by Year

2022 96,894,400 1.90
2021 141,616,260 2.78
2020 96,695,690 1.90
2019 356,404,000 6.99
2018 405,785,270 7.96
2017 369,031,620 7.24
2016 277,144,712 5.43
2015 1,481,143,333 29.04
2014 1,688,691,930 33.11
2013 186,594,020 3.66
Total 5,100,001,235 100

Fundraising Type

Name Details
Library Remodeling Fundraising
Donations are used for remodeling the main
building of the SNU Library and improving
the library environment
Library Delegated Principal Use Donations are used for the Expansion
of academic materials and cultural events
Library Academic Principal Use Donations are used to expand academic resources
and support research activities
of the SNU Library
Library Facility Principal Use Donations are used to improve the facilities
of the SNU Library

Payment Status
by Asset Type

Friends of the SNU Library have supported the library in a variety of ways including contributed acceptance, cash, items, etc.
The participation rate in cash donations was the highest. In addition, various furniture, books, a globe, and artworks that fit the role and meaning of the library were donated to create and support an optimal learning environment for students.

Asset Type Cases Payments(Won)
Cash 7,891 14,981,898,249
Item 16 103,759,740
Total 7,907 15,085,657,989

Donated Items Details
